Was out running this afternoon when the thought hit me that getting started in direct sales takes a marathon perspective, not a sprinter's mindset. Most of us get started in this business because we need a change...and we need it now! We dive into whatever company appears to give us the best opportunity and immediately begin telling everyone we know about it. But often times, the results don't appear immediately and the natural tendency is to grow discouraged and often times quit or chase the next opportunity.
To succeed in this industry, you must think like a marathoner. Yes, it would be great to be able to sprint out of the starting blocks and achieve great success overnight, but most of us must have the mental toughness to settle into a pace and remind ourselves that the race (this new opportunity) takes time and it will cover a great distance. Think in 3, 5, and 10 year increments. Be steady in how you approach it and continue to talk with new prospects. Build your business year over year and in 5-10 years you are going to be glad that you ran the race like a marathon and not a sprint.
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